
Thursday, 29 March 2018

Walt Task

Today at science we had to choice two questions and do it. Most of people did the same questions.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

My top tips for vlogging

Today we did a video about top 5 tips that can improve your vlogging.  This is the lesson that I read to make this video Link and I made this video with my friend named Daniel.

Checked out! My buddy's vlog Link here

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Topics of Science and ten question to test what you know about forenic

Forensic questions
1. What kind of work that's include forensic?
2. What is the four fingerprints?
3. How many works are there thats include forensics?
4. Can you test hair without the root?
5. How much of an evidence sample is needed to obtain DNA results?
6. What kind of reference  sample is required?
7. Are you able to get a DNA profile from urine?
8. I have a sample with a male/female mixture, but no male DNA profile was obtained from standard testing. Is there a way to obtain a male profile?
9. How do I interpret a forensic DNA report?
10. How do I send a sample from another lam or hospital? 

Monday, 12 March 2018

About Kupe

This is about kupe who found out about the New Zealand. You can learn some facts about him.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Forensic Last

The case of the barefoot burglar

The case of the Barefoot Burglar

In groups of 4 or five you are going to need to use your forensic knowledge to solve a crime.
Using the clues found at the crime scene, determine which of the four suspects is the "barefooted burglar"? 
What do you think was the motive for this crime? 
Write the results of your findings and convince a jury of your peers

The Crime

At approximately 7:15 a.m., Friday morning, Mrs. King, the science teacher, thought something was fishy as she walked down the hall and noticed that her door was open. She walked into her classroom and immediately discovered that the small aquarium had been broken and her prized gold fish were gasping in the sink. Beside the broken aquarium were the shattered remains of the pink piggy bank that had been on the shelf above the aquarium. A can of blue paint was spilled on the floor. Footprints of a barefooted burglar led to an open window. Bits of a white powdery substance were found next to the broken, empty, piggy bank. The only other item found was a half-eaten large chunk of chocolate candy.
When the police arrived they immediately began to gather forensic evidence.

NameEvidence Clues
Peg the leg
For the chocolateShe uses Dan to eat the chocolate
Lou Louslippedshe might slipped and broke the piggy bank than use dan.
Dan the manCornstarchHis wife was proclaiming the cornflour
Jake the JockFor being tallBy calculating his height and the evidence (feet 26)

- Most of this people are like eating chocolate.

- Peg the Leg because she has more clue that she is the burglar.

Thursday, 1 March 2018


A. Top Of Letter Analysis

1. Sign your name on a sheet of writing paper, and get someone else to try to copy it.
2. Place the tracing paper over both signatures, and make a dot at the top point of each letter – for both signatures
3. Join up the dots for both signatures to get two zigzag lines across the signatures. Are the lines the same?

B. Bottom of Letter Analysis

4. Put some fresh tracing paper over both signatures.
5. Put a dot at the bottom of each letter.
6. Join up the dots to make zig zag lines. Are the lines 
the same

C. Slant Analysis

7. Put a fresh piece of tracing paper over both signatures.
8. Mark a vertical line down through the middle of each letter (using a ruler), slanting it in the same direction as
the letter.
9. Compare the set of lines for both signatures. What do they tell you.

Presenting The Hornby High School!

This week we had to represent our school and encouraged other people to join Hornby HIgh School. I strongly recommend that you should JOIN Hornby High School because we have a lot of opportunity for you and you can choose whatever you want. The Hornby High School is a big community for you if you ever need help you can ask Prefixes. This Video is some examples of what we have in Hornby High School, There's a lot more than this if you join the HORNBY HIGH SCHOOL!!!