
Friday 21 June 2019

The main mathematical concepts or ideas that I learnt/discussed in class.
- To recognise the pattern building up in each questions.

Describe a mistake or misconception that you or a classmate had in class? What did you learn from this mistake or misconception?

One of our mistakes was explaining the N case to the front of the class, I didn't know the words to describe my work so I had to rely to my team. They also did not understand my work. I learnt that I have to plan a brief of explanation before going up.

A new term that I learnt was Σ - (Sigma sign)  

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Group  Features Examples
31 000 Species
- Live in water
- Breathe with Gills
- Moist skin covered in scales
Image result for puffer fish
Puffer Fish
7 000  Species
- Moist Skin
- Cold-Blooded
- Adults live on lands
Bolitoglossa Jacksoni
10 000 Species
- Lay eggs
- Cold - Blooded
- Dry, Scaly skin
 Image result for gila monster
Gila Monster
10 000 SPecies
- Covered in feathers
- Warm - Blooded
- Have wings
 Image result for potoo
5 500 Species
- Feed young on milk
- Warm - Blooded
- Breathe using Lungs
Image result for elephant
1 000 000 Species
 - Jointed legs
- Divided into four further sub-groups. 
 Image result for tarantula
True Worms
24 000 Species
 - Body is tubular and/or made up of segments.
- Tube - Like Digestive system
 LeechImage result for true worms examples
12 000 Species
- Breathe through their skin
- Unsegmented body
Image result for Turbellaria 
10 000 Species 
 - Take in water through pores (little Holes) in their bodies from which they filter (Take Out) little bits of food. Demosponge
Image result for Demosponge
9 000 Species
- Hollow body with specialised cells (stingers) that they use for capturing prey.
- Live in water.
 Image result for Sea anemone
Sea Anemone
100 000 Species
- Most live in sea
- Most have shells
- Unsegmented body 
 Image result for Gastropoda
9 000 Species
- A skeleton made up of five plates.
- Tube feet
- Live in the sea
 Sea Urchin
Image result for sea urchin