
Thursday, 25 October 2018

Presenting Omaka

This is a video about advertising Omaka and encouraging students to go to Omaka.
Throughout the week, we have been doing a kete a task that we have chosen and I have chosen to make a video about encouraging students to go to Omaka.


  1. Kamusta Reige!

    I am so impressed that you have already got one of the EOTC week blog activities up! What amazing commitment! I really liked seeing the images of Omaka Camp and it made me excited for when we get to experience this in a few weeks.

    I would like you to pop down to my classroom and I will set you up with a student who knows how to embed PowToons straight to your blog. Your teacher told me you had some problems and used Screencastify to record over top.

    Come see 8Bh on Friday and we can get it sorted so that your presentation is the best quality it can be!

    Well done, Reige!
    - Miss Birtch

    1. Hello Mrs Birth!

      Thanks for the feedback and the advise! I'll be asking one of your students in my own time so I wouldn't disturb your class. Thanks again, you helped me a lot!

      - Reige


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