
Friday, 28 August 2020

'Creative Writing - 1st person narrtive'

 We have been studying Antarctica. We listened to a story about Nanook, a husky who was sent to Antarctica on an expedition in 1901. We then wrote the next chapter of the story from Nanook’s ‘Point of View’.

“Going to the twin of Vastness”

I could smell the warmth of spring as it comes with the horizon. We are fed in the morning and put into our own individual leashes. As Mr William Weller told me that we are going to Antarctica, I felt the urge to chase my tail and play around. I was overjoyed with excitement. 

As we we’re nearing the harbour, I could smell the scent of smoke, the constant blow horns of ships coming in and birds soaring through the skies. I still couldn’t believe that me, Hector, Hercules, Granny, Nell, Wolf, and Fluff were going on a journey to a new cold land.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

P.E Reflection (week 6)

 This week we have been learning how to improve our volleyball skills.

I think I have improved my volleyball skills due to cooperation and learning fast.

I also think that I'm only level 2 since I cooporated with my teammates and participated in the activities

However, I wasn't on my full P.E gear. That's why I'm only level 2 not level 3.

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Studying Films (Hunger Games) Rich vs Poor / Hope and Rebellion

 What is district 12 like?

From my perspective, district 12 is like a slum part of the country. Natural music.

Children poking mud for fun isn't very fun. Broken window glass, people eating every bit of their food.

Coal miners marching coming back to their home. It all look pitiful. The buildings we're decaying. Poverty and femine. Faded clothing.

What is the Capitol like?

Futuristic technologies were seen. Brigh coloured clothing. Everyone talking with laughter.

Intimadating sound. Clean, elongated, and bright place. Over crowded place. 

Enriched with food, varities, and modern technologies.


Reaping scene:

A lot of silence, the lighting was dim and gray. After knowing who got picked, most of the people looked pitiful. Intimadating sound. 

Lots of close up and mid-closeup. The stage looked bland and pastful.

During the scene when they were watching the video, the people looked vulnerable and distorted. Whenereas the people who were on the stage we're quite amused by the video. Lights/TV projecting was at present. The hearing of every little sound was important, it showed that the raffle was terrifying. lots of diegatic sounds were used.

What are the difference bettween D12 and the capitol's clothes?

The difference between the clothing of both places were like a continuum. Whereas the district 12 representing the quality of poorness and the capitol showing the variety, rich, bright colours.

What does the word tribute mean?

Acting to show gratitude, act, admiration.

Or when a person is contributed onto/into something.

How are the tributes treated when they are selected?

After seeing the nominated person. The sourrinding people looked pitiful. 

They respected knowing that they're going into a death game.


Comparing district 12 and the "TV Show"

They had difference in clothes, colours, technologies.  The lightning is diffrent. The qualities of each food/technology and buildings. 

We could see that district 12 doesn't have any schools making looking for a job hard.


The mocking Jay pin - Resymbolises hope and rebellion towards the 2 characters in the film. 

- Whenever Katniss wear this pin, it reminds her the hope that her sister gave and rebbeliiong towards their government.

Three finger salute - It reminds the people about what happened in the past.

- At any time when something sad or very tragic happens, people froma ll over the distrctis does the three finger salutes. It reminds them the hope and memories fom the past people who had courage and died in the battlefield/war.

Montage was used to make the riot scene more fearful and real life alike.


Learning numbers (Money Matters)

 For the past few weeks, we have been learning how to exchange rates, ratios, tax rate and more.

However, the main one is good and services tax (GST).

The GST of Newzealand before 2010 was increased from %12.5 to %15.

The price of the item x 0.15 = Your GST

For instance.

113 x 0.15 = 16.95 is your GST.

Monday, 17 August 2020

P.E Reflection

 For the last 2 weeks we did some things around indoor football.

I think I am only level 2 since I only had half of my P.E gear soon.

I could improve by wearing all my P.E gear.

I deserve to be in level 2 since I cooporated and attented the activities.

I also helped some fellow classmates by teaching them some tips since I play football.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Identifying Camera shots


What am I learning?
I am learning how to indentify camera techniques and shots.
How does this show my learning?
By knowing where and how the camera shots are taken and the meaning of the camera techniques.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
At the end of this lesson I still wondered what's the difference between multiple camera shots.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

English Film Language Definitions

 Words that we need to learn before starting to study films.

Body Language - Symbolises what the person is trying to say/showing by identifying body movements.

Costumes - A set of clothing for the characters

Hairstyles - A type of hair for what the character symbolizes as.

Make-up - Cosmetic items that enhance the character’s looks.

Lighting - To set the setting in place by using the right brightness/colour based on the scene.

Props - The items that characters use/set the scene.

Settings - When/where the scene takes place.

Dialogue - The scripts that the characters need to say.

Sounds Effects - Sounds that are added to enhance the scene.

Music - It helps to show the character’s feelings and it is a melody/sound added to the scene to make the set more interesting.

Silence - A scene that there is nothing besides silence to elevate and suspense the occurring event.

Symbols - When you imbue meaning into an object.

Special (FX) Effects - An illusion to make films more defined and realistic in some movies

What am I learning?
Leaning how to identify visual and sound effects.
How does this work show my learning?
It showed my learning by putting the meanings in my own words.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
After what I learnt, I have been wondering the real meaning of music in a film since I have a vage definition for it.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

SDL Reflection time (week4)

 In week 2, I was tryikng to achieve the goal:

Knowing what skills I neeed to develop on.

I think I have improve by a little bit since I have 

been solving my mistakes.

This week I'm trying to achieve the goal:

Can tell others the ways how I like to learn

and what suits me best.

Three ways to improve:

- Telling others that I want to work alone

- Have the courage to tell them off

- Knowing what suits me best.

Monday, 10 August 2020

P.E Blog post.

 4 Characteristics of a succesful team.

-  Respect

-  Co-operation

- Leadership

-  Helpful

Describe/explain 2 ways that you have been a good team meber this term in P.E

This term, I was a good member because I showed some of my fellow students skills that were needed for the specfied sport.

After seeing people struggle, I helped them by encouraging/cheering them. 

Lastly, I cooperated with most of the people in my class during the activity.

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Lawyer's Paragraph 2

Key idea - What are some examples of addiction on cellhpones?
What must you achive - Persuading the reader to not use their phones a lot.
In this paragraph I am trying to show/prove/explain that.
Key information you want to include.
1, How technology affect students.
2, How technology change students from the past and then now.
3, Consequences of technology towards students.
Best paragraph structure to convey all this is.

Paragraph question:
Are students addicted to their cellphones?
If so, is that a problem?

Yes, some scientists has researched that some students who spend a long time on their phones has similar brains to drugged adults. It is a problem for most parents. Parenting this kind of child would be a havoc and would cause a problem towards family bonding time. According to the website, the human brain isn't finished devoloping until around the age of 25 years old. Meaning, if the brain is interfered by the blue rays of a phone it could have negative implications on brain devolopment. Overall, teenagers should not be spending a lot of time towards a cellphone.

Chart: America's Growing Smartphone Addiction | Statista

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Lawyer's Paragraph

Technology has made our lives better in many waysThe upgrade in terms of technology has allowed us to live easier and economically. For instance, the existence of mobile phones made business easier by reminding us when/where/what kind of business we have. Computers has helped us do more economical written work and has helped students learn quickly. Lastly, a calculator has been improvised into a small sized object, making it easier to calculate numbers unlike the past. These 3 reasons are the most common reasons why the improvement of technology has improved our lives.