This past few weeks we have been looking at chocolate industries and studying them. We've also been watching documentaries that is around child labourer of cocoa and read a book about this boy going taken away from its family to a cocoa farm. This task results in the four wellbeing of Hauora.
Thursday, 3 December 2020
Friday, 20 November 2020
Persuasive continued (WTE Sentences)
LO: We are learning to express our views on a topical issue using ‘Write That Essay’ sentences.
WTE: Against the use of Nuclear Energy.
The ED-Start
- Commited to improve our use of energy, we should use alternative energy such as winds, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy to sustain the planet.
Red, White and Blue
- I think we should use other alternative of energy, such as wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy to sustain the planet.
The Adverb Start
- Worriedly, the most suggested reason why we should not use nuclear energy is because it makes radiation.
This photo shows the use of Nuclear Energy is
bad because it realeases greenhouse gases.
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Language Feature - Colliquial Language
Language feature - Reige, Genica & Johanna Colloquial Language - Commonly known as colloquialism it means an informal language from a particular place or country. It is mostly used verbally. Is slang and colloquial language the same? Although it is both spoken forms of language and is informal, slang is more casual than colloquial language. Slang is most commonly used by a community/group of people while colloquial language is used almost everyday by speech. Some examples:
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Gymnastics Choices
Today I completed many apprataus, for instance, trampoline running thingy and the mat.
Thankly for my assessment I will focus on:
- The bean (Achieve)
- Trampoline (Achieve)
- Horizental Bar (Achieve)
Monday, 9 November 2020
Reading Skills
What is a reading skill strategy?
Fluency and vocabulary are both examples of reading strategy. For instance vocabulary can expand your knowledge upon knowing thehave meaning of the word. Fluency, meaning the full known definition of the word can help you express accurately about what you’re trying to say to your readers. Phonics is another great example. The use of phonics includes the sounds of spoken words or groups of letters. To demonstrate this, with the sound of letter k, it could be written as c, k ck, or ch.
Why is it important?
Reading skills are essentials to everyone, without this you might not have the full comprehension of what you’re reading. In our everyday modern lives, we read something in some form of words. It is a necessary part of human lives.
How can you benefit?
Reading fluently can help you read a text quickly and more accurately. This can also help you focus on what the text means. Vocabulary can benefit you in a lot of ways. Vocabulary can help you think deeper in the text. Through the help of phonics students can decode any familiar or unknown words by sounding them out.
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
The Difficulties of making a treaty.
The difficulty of creating a treaty is 9 out of 10. The reasons below explains what happened when my class tried to make a treaty.
Within my class there approximately 20 people engaged into making a class treaty. A treaty must include: oreamble, first article, second artifcle, and third article. A preamble is an introduction to the treaty. A first article has the power of the teacher. The second article explains the behaviour and attitude within the classroom. Lastly, the third article is the freedom of students. On friday the 29th of October, the first meeting was called upon the class. In that meeting a preamable was done but but lots of agrument was needed. Some students made some personal affairs with each other and some were just standing by whilst other couraging the fight. We all decided that we should have a writer, however they were not a lot of people listening and not cooporation. Some people didn't even get a say in the meeting. With that said, it is very difficult to make a treaty with a class but it can be manageable if everyone is cooperating.
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
How to use a tap and die set in Engineering.
This week on metal work. We studied more about when and what is a tap and die. The slideshow explains only 4 of the wondered questions about the tap and die.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Monday, 19 October 2020
Film Study (Hunger Games) - Character Development -
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Sexuality Assement
Friday, 16 October 2020
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Film Study (Hunger Games) - Challenges Chart -
Friday, 25 September 2020
Film Study (Hunger Games) - Studying music -
As we were listening to Mr Taylor's songs we listed our feelings towards each songs.
Song One - Happy, Energetic, and Elatated. - Lots of Major Chords
Song two - Mysterious, In wonder, adventurous. - Lots of minor chords
Tempo - How fast is the song is played. The speed for the beat.
Major chords - Full stroke of the guitar - Upbeat, louder, full strings, contains 1st, 3rd, 5th. Happy,
Minor chords - One string is not used - low beat, quieter, mysterious, suspenseful, lesser.
Dynamic - Variation between notes. Volume.
Diegetic - Music in the environment - naturally occuring sounds.
Non - Diegetic - Soundtrack + special effect.
- Rue's death -
Define the three - Minor. Tempo = slow. Dynamics - building towards the end.
In Rue's death, music was used substansually to support the theme of "Hope and Rebellion". This is demonstrated when Rue dies through minor chords which makes the viewer feel sad. The tempo of the sound track during this scene is slow revealing the emotion and grief which Katniss is feeling. The Dynamic of the music in this scenestarts quietly and builds as the scene progresses. The director did this to feel connected to Katnis in an emotionally charged moment, where Katniss loses hope. This work well with the following scene where district 11 riots.
Antarctic Centre Recount "Antarctic Centre Trip"
Antarctic Centre Trip
As a part of the Antarctic study topic, the 10 ESOL Class with Mrs Flores, Briggs and Handley went on a trip to the Antarctic Centre on Friday the 4th of September.
Arriving there with 2 taxi vans was horrific, since I wasn’t paired up with my friends. With the anticipation of excitement, the arrival of students was very noisy. When the last student got off the van, we had to wait for the instructor to arrive before we could begin our trip.
After waiting for a couple of minutes, the instructor arrived! The presence of the instructor made us silent. She introduced herself as Jane and after a while she started talking about safety around Covid and the facility. She then finished with a welcoming mood.
As we walked into the building, my mind was in wonder, thinking what surprises there would be. Jane had instructed us to go upstairs into the workshop room where we then viewed a little slideshow about Antarctica’s history. One of the most memorable stories shown to us, was about Roald Amundsen and Robert Scott’s race to the South Pole.
At about 10am, we began to go back outside again to ride one of the modern technological vehicles that is used in Antarctica, a Hagglund. Its other name is Bandvagn 206. It’s a tracked articulated, all-terrain carrier developed by Hägglunds for the Swedish Army. It consists of two units, with all four tracks powered. It can carry up to 17 people, and the trailer unit can be adapted for different uses.
Just at the end of the introduction of the Hagglunds, the mood began to rise, from boredom to hearts filling up with excitement. As we set foot into the Hagglund, it had the same feeling of going into a tank, even though I haven’t been in one before. Suddenly, it started moving. The movement of the Hagglund was bumpy but with the sufficient number of hand straps we could keep ourselves safe.
Finally, the whole part that we have been waiting for, the track. The track is an all built course to give the customers the experience of what it can be like riding one in the harsh conditions of Antarctica. Leaving the track felt as if we were leaving a roller coaster ride. We were exhausted from how fun, scary, and nerve-racking the ride was.
To the next bit of the trip, the rescue animals; the penguins. One of the most treasured wildlife in the facility was the little blue penguin. It is the smallest penguin in the world. We were lucky that we arrived there at the exact time before it was feeding time. We watched as the penguins swam around elegantly through the waters. It is as if they were soaring through the beautiful night sky.
Even with that experience, we still had enough excitement in reserve for the 4D movie. The movie was in 3D but with extra stuff like wind, sea spray, and snow. As we were watching the movie “The Voyage”, we all felt like we were there. Tingles rattled our spines throughout the whole movie.
After that, we were given free time to eat and explore the facility. Me and some of my friends went into the cafe and we bought two things: A bowl of fries and a bowl of wedges. We all felt like we were scammed because of how small their servings were. With our bellies half full, we were called to meet outside the Storm room.
The Storm Room was the most anticipated event that we were all looking forward to. However, before that, me and my friend “Daniel” did the “Cold Ice Challenge”. It is when you put your hands in the water, that is under 10° degrees for a minute.
At last, the long awaited event in the trip has come, going into the Storm Room. We waited for everyone to arrive. After that we were told to wear shoe covers; being technical, they are called surface shield shoe covers. This is so we wouldn’t slip on the slippery, icy, snow. As we got into the room, the sudden cold shocked us instantly with a slight breeze. After a moment of waiting, a siren started screaming. It was a warning that a storm was coming.
The room had suddenly gotten dark as if a real storm was coming. The room temperature suddenly dropped into negative 8° degrees. As our instincts reacted, our class formed into small groups. The rush of adrenaline made everyone think of how they could stay warm. Some people came rushing into the igloo and some huddled into a form of circle. The storm stopped.
We all felt sadness since it was over but with a slight relief. With our hands cold, we took off our shoe covers and came into the next phase of the trip.
At the start of the trip, we were each given a paper to fill out. We were given time to finish it as we wandered around looking for answers in the building.
With exhaustion, I sighed with disappointment since the trip was ending so early. We got back into our vans and started to go back to school.
In the end, I enjoyed the entirety of the day.
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Knowing My Plaze (Prezi)
This Prezi is a brief introduction of what Christchurch is like and some cities/landmarks in the region. It includes the history of cities and the significants/importance of each landmarks.
After doing this research I have gained some new information about the history of Hornby HIgh school and the land around Christchurch, The most interesting thing that I found is many landmarks has its own significant importance around its place. For instance the castle rebellion of 1804 was Australian's first uprising. They should add a question about how the land is formed and the indiginous people.
Film Study (Hunger Games) Studying Settings.
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Friday, 18 September 2020
Film Study (Hunger Games) - How camera shots are used in the movie and why. (S.E.X.X.X.Y Pragrapgh Practice)
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Film Study (Hunger games) Lighting & Colour
Here is the link to the instructions.
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Film Study (Hunger Games) - Looking into Costumes.
Where are these shots from? + what is happening?
Katniss, Effie, Gale, D12 citizens, Primrose, Peeta, peace-keepers.
Beginning, poor clothing, grey worn-out, dull, simple, limited, best clothes for the reaping day.
Costumes reflect the setting.
Food source.
What theme are we exploring?
- Rich v Poor
- Capitol = Rich ones
- Effie
Describe the fea`tures of costume.
- Bright colours, more designed/fashionable, has make-up, jewelry,
In the reaping scene, Costume are used effectively to show the thme of Rich v Poor. We see this when the people of Dirstrict 12 are waiting for someone to be chosen to represen their District. The lifestyle of District 12 is reflected in the clothes that they wear. These clothes are made from limited material therefore they don't have lots of materials. Making their clothes dull, old-fashioned, boring. This makes us understand that there is a superioty between Katniss and Effie due to their clothing representation. There is a difference between the oppourtunitunity, power nad privilage between the District 12 and The Capitol. The director did this to make the viewers realise the developing theme "Rich v Poor" is growing through each characters's costumes. Costumes can also symbolise the inequality between the Capitol and the Districts. This symbolism combined with a wide shot of the crowd in District 12 and an over the shoulder shot of Effie reveals the lack oppourtunity in district 12 and the power of the capitol. This aspect can bet contrasted to the character of Effie, she wears a bright pink outfit that has a lot of design behind it revealing the opportunities given to chracters in the Capitol.
What Am I learning?
I'm learning how to write a S.E.X.X.X.Y in custome form.
How does this show my learning?
This shows my learning through the pragraph since it shows my understanding between the custumes and the themes relating to it.
What am I wondering after learning this?
How do we write a good S.E.X.X.X.Y paragraph or make the previous paragraph better.
Monday, 14 September 2020
P.E Reflection (Week 8)
Last week, we did a split sports, Netball and Basketball.
The teacher decided to make upon the student's choice, half of us wanted to play basketball and half of us voted Netball. Since we had 2 gyms, the teacher decided to split us into 2 groups.
Last week, I am at a level 2 grade since, I coopporated with the group and participated with the activities.
I didn't get to level 3 since I didn't have my full P.E gear.
Lasly, I think last week's P.E was good towards teamwork and coorporation.
Friday, 11 September 2020
21st Century Work
Have you ever stumbled upon a question that really makes you think. There’s that one question that has been caged in within my brain. How has technology changed the society of the human world? Technologies in the old days have been enhanced to make our lives better. WIthout these advancements we would be living the same day over and over again. For instance, cars, trains, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have alarmingly improved. Without the past we could’ve not made the advancements of technologies we have today.
Paragraph: 1
Technology has changed the world, society, humanity, and the environment. One of the latest cars from t (released for buyers in 2019)which has 460 horsepower and can go from 0 to 96 kmph in just under 3 seconds. The highest speed it can go is 296 kmph. Cars from the past are like a pebble towards the cars we have today. One of the cars we had in the past is a Winton carabout (released for buyers in 1920), which only has 8 horsepower, and can only go to 53 kmph. The advancing technology we have today has made people's lives more easier and more productive making the future of Earth more comfortable and calming.
Paragraph: 2
The intellectual people we have today are great innovators. For example, they have created a car that can drive itself. The self driving cars are one of the safest cars you can get. The self-driving cars were created in European Union which was invented 1958. Self driving cars today aren’t available, however, some cars have autopilots. The Tesla autopilot system is one of the closest we have to a legal self driving car. Another great example of a self driving vehicle is the Christchurch driverless electric shuttle. It hasn’t made any problems about hitting any people and any other problems. Most of the self driving cars today are illegal. If self driving cars become legal, the millions of deaths by being hit by a car would be reduced. The people we have today are really advancing our technology where we could just be calm and not worry about danger.
In conclusion, I believe that technologies make the lives of human beings more easier, comfortable and productive. With the advancing technologies that we have today, we could predict that our future would be much better. We could also predict many new inventions in the near future that symbolises a robotic kind of tech. However, with the materials needed for new inventions we need to sustain our environment. The people from the future would also know this problem and probably solve it before the problem happens. The intellectuality of people today will make humanity’ life better in the future.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Film Study, Discussing the way the themes and ideas for the "Huner Games"
What Am I learning?
Knowing and explaing about how each themes are potrayed in the movie.
How does this work show my learning?
This shows my learning because, I think I have made a book guide for viewers to use whenever they're studying the same themes. I have potrayed each theme's uses in the movie and an example for each one.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
After learning the themes, I wondered if they are any other significant and important symbols other than the Mocking Jay Pin and the three finger salute.
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Film Study(Hunger Games) Linking themes to the Impact of Angles, Movement and Shots.
- Katniss colunteers = Dutch tilt (vulnerability of Katniss.)
- High angle on Elfie - displays power over the crowd.
- Unstable Camera - Uncertainty, mid/long.
- The costume of Effie is revealed in a close up.
- Katniss and Gale - close up - cutting establishes a connection between characters.
- Close ups of Katniss's fac, pre-existing connecting between Peter.
- Low angle - Flag of Panem
Brainstorm -
Why use a low angle? - Preparing the upcoming event in a dramtic way.
Why use a long shot? - To show the crowd's feelings towards the Reaping scene.
Why use dutch tilt? - To show the vulnerabilty of Katniss with her distorted mind.
How do we see themes?
Rich v poor
- Effie's close - close up - shpwing how rich she is.
- Wide shot - Nobody in D12 has any real material for wealth.
- Compare and Contrast - People of District 12 and the Capitol
What happens for the characters?
I believe that each character in the crowd feared being picked.
When Primm Rose was selected, Katniss took her time to think meaning, she value her own life but she views her sister's life more important.
What happens for the story?
This is the first start for Katniss's fame.
The reaping scene resymbolises their culture very anual year.
Sexy Pragraph
In the reaping scene in The Hunger Games, the idea of Rich v Poor is explained through the use of wide shots and close ups. The comparison between the wealth of the Capitol, represented by Effie, and the poorness of District 12 is seen in the wide shot of the people gathered at the reaping. A close shot of Effie reveals quality, colourful, make-ip and costume. The wide shot of the crowd is used to show that they are forced to be there. The wide shot also shows the lack of colour in the population of District 12's material and costumes to show they are poor.
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Film Study(Hunger Games) Rich V Poor, Unpacking the theme and Ideas
Friday, 28 August 2020
'Creative Writing - 1st person narrtive'
We have been studying Antarctica. We listened to a story about Nanook, a husky who was sent to Antarctica on an expedition in 1901. We then wrote the next chapter of the story from Nanook’s ‘Point of View’.
“Going to the twin of Vastness”
I could smell the warmth of spring as it comes with the horizon. We are fed in the morning and put into our own individual leashes. As Mr William Weller told me that we are going to Antarctica, I felt the urge to chase my tail and play around. I was overjoyed with excitement.
As we we’re nearing the harbour, I could smell the scent of smoke, the constant blow horns of ships coming in and birds soaring through the skies. I still couldn’t believe that me, Hector, Hercules, Granny, Nell, Wolf, and Fluff were going on a journey to a new cold land.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
P.E Reflection (week 6)
This week we have been learning how to improve our volleyball skills.
I think I have improved my volleyball skills due to cooperation and learning fast.
I also think that I'm only level 2 since I cooporated with my teammates and participated in the activities
However, I wasn't on my full P.E gear. That's why I'm only level 2 not level 3.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Studying Films (Hunger Games) Rich vs Poor / Hope and Rebellion
What is district 12 like?
From my perspective, district 12 is like a slum part of the country. Natural music.
Children poking mud for fun isn't very fun. Broken window glass, people eating every bit of their food.
Coal miners marching coming back to their home. It all look pitiful. The buildings we're decaying. Poverty and femine. Faded clothing.
What is the Capitol like?
Futuristic technologies were seen. Brigh coloured clothing. Everyone talking with laughter.
Intimadating sound. Clean, elongated, and bright place. Over crowded place.
Enriched with food, varities, and modern technologies.
Reaping scene:
A lot of silence, the lighting was dim and gray. After knowing who got picked, most of the people looked pitiful. Intimadating sound.
Lots of close up and mid-closeup. The stage looked bland and pastful.
During the scene when they were watching the video, the people looked vulnerable and distorted. Whenereas the people who were on the stage we're quite amused by the video. Lights/TV projecting was at present. The hearing of every little sound was important, it showed that the raffle was terrifying. lots of diegatic sounds were used.
What are the difference bettween D12 and the capitol's clothes?
The difference between the clothing of both places were like a continuum. Whereas the district 12 representing the quality of poorness and the capitol showing the variety, rich, bright colours.
What does the word tribute mean?
Acting to show gratitude, act, admiration.
Or when a person is contributed onto/into something.
How are the tributes treated when they are selected?
After seeing the nominated person. The sourrinding people looked pitiful.
They respected knowing that they're going into a death game.
Comparing district 12 and the "TV Show"
They had difference in clothes, colours, technologies. The lightning is diffrent. The qualities of each food/technology and buildings.
We could see that district 12 doesn't have any schools making looking for a job hard.
The mocking Jay pin - Resymbolises hope and rebellion towards the 2 characters in the film.
- Whenever Katniss wear this pin, it reminds her the hope that her sister gave and rebbeliiong towards their government.
Three finger salute - It reminds the people about what happened in the past.
- At any time when something sad or very tragic happens, people froma ll over the distrctis does the three finger salutes. It reminds them the hope and memories fom the past people who had courage and died in the battlefield/war.
Montage was used to make the riot scene more fearful and real life alike.
Learning numbers (Money Matters)
For the past few weeks, we have been learning how to exchange rates, ratios, tax rate and more.
However, the main one is good and services tax (GST).
The GST of Newzealand before 2010 was increased from %12.5 to %15.
The price of the item x 0.15 = Your GST
For instance.
113 x 0.15 = 16.95 is your GST.
Monday, 17 August 2020
P.E Reflection
For the last 2 weeks we did some things around indoor football.
I think I am only level 2 since I only had half of my P.E gear soon.
I could improve by wearing all my P.E gear.
I deserve to be in level 2 since I cooporated and attented the activities.
I also helped some fellow classmates by teaching them some tips since I play football.
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Identifying Camera shots
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
English Film Language Definitions
Words that we need to learn before starting to study films.
Body Language - Symbolises what the person is trying to say/showing by identifying body movements.
Costumes - A set of clothing for the characters
Hairstyles - A type of hair for what the character symbolizes as.
Make-up - Cosmetic items that enhance the character’s looks.
Lighting - To set the setting in place by using the right brightness/colour based on the scene.
Props - The items that characters use/set the scene.
Settings - When/where the scene takes place.
Dialogue - The scripts that the characters need to say.
Sounds Effects - Sounds that are added to enhance the scene.
Music - It helps to show the character’s feelings and it is a melody/sound added to the scene to make the set more interesting.
Silence - A scene that there is nothing besides silence to elevate and suspense the occurring event.
Symbols - When you imbue meaning into an object.
Special (FX) Effects - An illusion to make films more defined and realistic in some movies.Tuesday, 11 August 2020
SDL Reflection time (week4)
Knowing what skills I neeed to develop on.
I think I have improve by a little bit since I have
been solving my mistakes.
This week I'm trying to achieve the goal:
Can tell others the ways how I like to learn
and what suits me best.
Three ways to improve:
- Telling others that I want to work alone
- Have the courage to tell them off
- Knowing what suits me best.
Monday, 10 August 2020
P.E Blog post.
4 Characteristics of a succesful team.
- Respect
- Co-operation
- Leadership
- Helpful
Describe/explain 2 ways that you have been a good team meber this term in P.E
This term, I was a good member because I showed some of my fellow students skills that were needed for the specfied sport.
After seeing people struggle, I helped them by encouraging/cheering them.
Lastly, I cooperated with most of the people in my class during the activity.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
Lawyer's Paragraph 2
Key idea - What are some examples of addiction on cellhpones?
What must you achive - Persuading the reader to not use their phones a lot.
In this paragraph I am trying to show/prove/explain that.
Key information you want to include.
1, How technology affect students.
2, How technology change students from the past and then now.
3, Consequences of technology towards students.
Best paragraph structure to convey all this is.
Paragraph question:
Are students addicted to their cellphones?
If so, is that a problem?
Yes, some scientists has researched that some students who spend a long time on their phones has similar brains to drugged adults. It is a problem for most parents. Parenting this kind of child would be a havoc and would cause a problem towards family bonding time. According to the website, the human brain isn't finished devoloping until around the age of 25 years old. Meaning, if the brain is interfered by the blue rays of a phone it could have negative implications on brain devolopment. Overall, teenagers should not be spending a lot of time towards a cellphone.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Lawyer's Paragraph
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Role Profile 2.
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Role Profile
- effective technical skills.
- the ability to work under pressure.
- problem-solving skills.
- creativity.
- interpersonal skills.
- verbal and written communication skills.
- commercial awareness.
- Team working skills.
- %1066
- Kiwi saver: $200
- Student loan: $500
What you found interesting about that career?
The most interesting part was finding out that
you had to have a bachelor's degree to be a
mechanical engineer. THe thing that I didn't
realise that you need for to be a mechanical
engineer was, you need a bachelors degree.
Their first step is education and many